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Exam success continues at Cambrian

24th November 2015

Cambrian staff have demonstrated their commitment to professionalism with a run of exam successes throughout the year. Recent successes include:

John Brown (Paraplanner for Jack Taylor) passed R05: Financial protection and has now achieved Diploma Status in Financial Planning and is aiming to start advising clients in the near future.

Zoe Keevil (Paraplanner for John Pennington) passed R06: Financial Planning Practice and has also achieved Diploma Status in Financial Planning.

Sharon Rogers (PA to John Pennington) passed R06: Financial Planning Practice and is now only one exam away from achieving Diploma Status in Financial Planning.

Alistair Cartwright (Paraplanner for Jack Taylor) passed R01: Financial services, regulation & ethics.

Laura Doggett (Paraplanner for Jack Taylor) passed her first CII exam R05: Financial protection on her way to achieving Diploma Status in Financial Planning.

Congratulations to all Cambrian staff who have recently achieved exam passes!